I moved Zully over to Eye on Tuesday.
I ended up doing my first ToC 10 man on Wednesday. It was a little frustrating because not only was I thrown into a new raid with no preparation, but I didn't know who was talking in Vent either so they would say to run toward X and I'd have no clue who they were talking about. But, we got the Beasts down and made good progress on Jaraxxus.
Yesterday I had kind of a shitty day, so I logged onto Dalv and ran my warrior in Ulduar with those guys. We did leviathin and razorscale. It was weird DPSing in a raid, but I managed not to stand in the fire too much, and we got him down third attempt.
That's about all really. Hopefully I'll get some time in this weekend.
Saturday Achievement and Loot Thread
1 hour ago
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